Membership in the Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville offers many benefits and rewards.
Membership in the Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville offers many benefits and rewards.
Kiwanis meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at noon for lunch at First United Methodist Church, providing for fellowship with friends as well as the opportunity to meet and speak with local business and professional leaders. Our Service First Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 5:30 pm so you can participate in our Kiwanis Club every week if you wish!
Our lunch meetings include a program of current interest about issues that affect our community. In addition to the weekly meetings, our Officers and Directors meet monthly to manage the business of the club.
We sponsor year-round service projects that target a wide range of talents and interests, giving all members the opportunity to become involved in the improvement of our community.
The Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville raises more than $35,000 each year, which is used to support various service projects, fund scholarships, and help organizations that serve Henderson County children and youth. Kiwanians touch the lives of local people every day by contributing in excess of 18,000 volunteer hours annually at more than forty Henderson County organizations that serve our citizens and for club-sponsored projects. Children and youth are our main focus in the programs we sponsor, the services we provide, and the volunteer hours we donate.
To help children and youth learn leadership skills and develop new generations committed to community service, Kiwanis sponsors six K-Kids at the Boys and Girls Club and five elementary schools, five Builders Clubs at middle schools, and five Key Clubs at high schools and the Henderson County Early College high school. We recognize outstanding K-Kids, Builders Club, and Key Club members at an annual awards luncheon and invite club members to join us throughout the year at our regular luncheon meetings. We support Boy Scout, Cub Scout and Girl Scout troops and help fund the Chamber of Commerce Young Leaders Education programs and 4-H Clubs. Camperships are provided through the Salvation Army and Henderson County Young Leaders Camp.
Hendersonville Kiwanis also sponsors an Aktion Club for adults with disabilities. The Club provides an opportunity for its members to develop initiative and leadership skills in serving their communities while enabling their integration into society.
Our Scholarship Fund pays for a year of post secondary education for needy graduates, scholarships at Blue Ridge Community College, and recognition and a cash award to a best all-around senior at five public high schools. Most recently, the Kiwanis Loan and Scholarship Fund awarded $26,000 to help deserving students continue their education beyond high school.
For over 50 years we have provided thousands of new shoes for underprivileged children from preschool through high school. We sponsor and run Terrific Kids programs in seven elementary schools. We also hold luncheon meetings to recognize outstanding high school athletes and students in the field of Fine and Performing Arts.
What We Do
Membership in the Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville offers many benefits and rewards.
Membership in the Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville offers many benefits and rewards.
Kiwanis meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at noon for lunch at First United Methodist Church, providing for fellowship with friends as well as the opportunity to meet and speak with local business and professional leaders. Our Service First Committee meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 5:30 pm so you can participate in our Kiwanis Club every week if you wish!
Our lunch meetings include a program of current interest about issues that affect our community. In addition to the weekly meetings, our Officers and Directors meet monthly to manage the business of the club.
We sponsor year-round service projects that target a wide range of talents and interests, giving all members the opportunity to become involved in the improvement of our community.
The Kiwanis Club of Hendersonville raises more than $35,000 each year, which is used to support various service projects, fund scholarships, and help organizations that serve Henderson County children and youth. Kiwanians touch the lives of local people every day by contributing in excess of 18,000 volunteer hours annually at more than forty Henderson County organizations that serve our citizens and for club-sponsored projects. Children and youth are our main focus in the programs we sponsor, the services we provide, and the volunteer hours we donate.
To help children and youth learn leadership skills and develop new generations committed to community service, Kiwanis sponsors six K-Kids at the Boys and Girls Club and five elementary schools, five Builders Clubs at middle schools, and five Key Clubs at high schools and the Henderson County Early College high school. We recognize outstanding K-Kids, Builders Club, and Key Club members at an annual awards luncheon and invite club members to join us throughout the year at our regular luncheon meetings. We support Boy Scout, Cub Scout and Girl Scout troops and help fund the Chamber of Commerce Young Leaders Education programs and 4-H Clubs. Camperships are provided through the Salvation Army and Henderson County Young Leaders Camp.
Hendersonville Kiwanis also sponsors an Aktion Club for adults with disabilities. The Club provides an opportunity for its members to develop initiative and leadership skills in serving their communities while enabling their integration into society.
Our Scholarship Fund pays for a year of post secondary education for needy graduates, scholarships at Blue Ridge Community College, and recognition and a cash award to a best all-around senior at five public high schools. Most recently, the Kiwanis Loan and Scholarship Fund awarded $26,000 to help deserving students continue their education beyond high school.
For over 50 years we have provided thousands of new shoes for underprivileged children from preschool through high school. We sponsor and run Terrific Kids programs in seven elementary schools. We also hold luncheon meetings to recognize outstanding high school athletes and students in the field of Fine and Performing Arts.
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